Sightings Report - August 2nd 2019

We had amazing encounters yesterday with Biggs killer whales and humpback whales only a couple miles apart from each other.

T46B1 and her two offspring, T46B1A and T46B1B, were slowly traveling west past Sooke. We were able to see the clear contrast between T46B1B, the gray calf with a rare genetic condition affecting his pigmentation, and his mother and sister, who do not have the condition.

Afterwards, we headed south to find humpback whales. We had close encounters with two grown humpbacks who came over to check us out. Then, a young calf surprised us by popping up next to the boat. He not only examined the boat, but was clearly examining those on board. Mom came over to check us out as well!

Being able to view wildlife without disturbing their natural behaviors is a priority, but the rare occasion where the animals we are observing make the choice to come over and observe us is a humbling, gratifying experience!